I too have been struck by the problem-solving abilities of my two girls,
though that fig newton story would be hard to beat.  Eloise is our very busy
ferret, the one who plots and plans when she sees a new spot to climb to.
It is as clear as day that she is considering all nearby furniture and
window sills as possible avenues.  Usually she tries the most promising
route, but sometimes she judges it impossible and doesn't bother.
Sabine, the less flamboyant one, has figured out how to use me as a tool to
meet her needs.  If she's bored she finds me and looks up expectantly until
I think of some entertainment like a usually-off-limits drawer.  If she is
tired and on the second floor, she follows me around for a while in the hope
that I will carry her the two flights and two hallways to her cage in the
basement (not the dungeon type -- a very nice room).  Of course, she gives
up and heads for my laundry basket if I don't get the message.
My favorite is that she has figured out how to call me from a distance.
Whenever she is awake in her cage and hears me near the head of the basement
stairs, she rings the bell on a hanging toy in the cage.  I never hear it
ring when she wakes up while I'm already in the basement, or at any other
time for that matter.  I only hear it ring when I have just arrived in the
vicinity of the stairs.  And when I go down, Sabine is standing there,
watching for me next to the bell toy.
Could someone explain the origin of the Rainbow Bridge?  I really like it.
Is it for ferrets only, or did it already exist for humans?
Judith, Eloise and Sabine
And sometimes Eric and Rebecca if they will sit still long enough for me to
read an adventure of the FLO or an FMLer to them.
[Posted in FML issue 1479]