No need to worry 'bout 'mashed taters' in this house.  Tater is a bedroom
fert.  The only time he gets near my recliner is when he's wearing his
halter and leash.  I'm an old fert and that leanin' back chair feels mighty
good to my ol' bones at the end of a day.  Please rest assured that Tater is
allowed absolutely no access to the business end of the chair.  He usually
'tests his limits' and then curls up in my lap and takes a nap.  Now, don't
he sweet?  I could not agree more that unsupervised access to a recliner, as
well as many other household 'comforts', can be deadly to a Lil' Guy.
PLEASE, everybody, make sure that anyplace or anything your babies have
access to are completely ferret safe.  Don't forget how resouceful and
clever they are.
Well now.  Since you be done got my attention and woke me back up, maybe you
can help me out with a question I got.  (BTW, I was just talkin' to a guy on
the Science Fiction Forum of Cserve.  I wanted to talk about SF and some of
the stories I've written.  He kept telling me about his Python and how big
it was.  I don't consider two feet long to be much of a snake, specially
where pythons are concerned.  Man, there really are some sick puppies out
there.  Thank Gawd your letter announced itself and got me out of THAT
Maybe you, or somebody else out there can tell me what it means when a
perfectly litter trained fert suddenly takes a notion to to poop on his Paw
Paw's flip flops three times in one night.  I'm used to having kibbles -
even soggy ones - between my toes during my midnight meanderings.  Doodoo in
the shoes is a whole different matter!  Reckon what the Lil' Guy's trying to
tell me?  He always has plenty of food and water and cats to beat up on.
Mee Maw and I play with him every chance we get.  Could he still be mad
about the 'snow incident'?  Any ideas?  Maybe he loves me so much that he
wants to share his 'everything' with me?
So sorry to hear about Dusty. Us two-legged folks  are mighty slow to learn
sometimes. Wouldn't it be great if we could all be like ferrets and other
critters. Joy to the world!
Thanks for taking the time to care and to write to us. Rest assured in the
knoweldge that Tater is in good hands with Allofus.
Your friend and fellow ferret nut,
Paw Paw (::-{)}~~
[Posted in FML issue 1479]