>...  The pet store told us wiggles was about 20 weeks old and they are
>full of it.  I believe he was only about 5 or 6 weeks and he has had a
>problem with bitting from day one especially on the feet.
There is a very large difference between 6 weeks old and 20.  Ferrets at 20
months look almost grown up, but maybe not as filled out.  Kits look like
seal pups.  I also don't see what a pet store would make them out to be
*older* than they really were.  I know some pet stores here list "baby
ferrets" when the youngens are actually almost adult sized.  Are you sure
that's what you meant to say?
>My other ferret Wiggy has gained from day one.  I have given both of them
>apples, rasins,carrots,bananas,cucumbers and grapes and he picks but still
>doesn"t eat like I would like him to.
Some ferrets are just not big weight gainers.  If you are really worried,
I'd suggest a vet, or try feeding him Nutrical or an enriched / supplemented
diet.  Fruits etc won't help him gain weight.  Joop was a little thin this
year so we gave him some Nutrical for a bit and he plumped a little.  I
think I was just confused about normal weight size, after staring (in
horror??) at my 7lber so much...
>From:    Amy Spence <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: rascal e rodent
>just me again.  my ferret rascal seems to love unsalted peanuts.  are
>these alright for her to eat?  she really loves them.  also is it ok for
>her to sometimes drink apple juice?  ...
Apple Juice I would be imagine to be fine in small amounts, just watch for
diahhrea.  Mine all have tasted and made their opinions known an all sorts
of fruit drinks, as well as the nectar, Tang.  It hasn't ever hurt them.
However, as I understand peanuts kinda exit in much the same form as they
entered, meaning if your ferret is overeager and doesn't chew properly, he
may have some trouble with a blockage.  Since nuts aren't digestible, I
would suggest you save the nuts for the squirrels in the park.  Try thinly
sliced watermelon, no rind.  Hehehe, Boo Boo goes into a trance when he eats
Milo knows his name very well.  He also knows roll over and "come here"
(sometimes he pretends he doesn't know 'come here' though).  Other typical
reactions to name calling are:
BooBoo ..... looks right at you with an expectant look.  If he spies not a
raisin, he takes not a step.  Can still be woken out of a deep sleep by his
baby name, "Bath"
Joop ..... stops but doesn't look at caller.  Cocks an ear in that
direction, sometimes sways toward it, but never ever comes to it.
Ashley ..... comes over to use your leg as a post to lean on when in need of
a good yawn.  Doesn;t matter if you called her or not.  She'll come to her
name, but does it in a roundabout fashion as though she were already headed
to a spot beside your leg.
Mazzy ..... can't hear cuz she's deaf.  But if you stare at her too hard she
wags her tail and hisses.  I guess she thinks she's being caught doing
something bad.  She usually is.
Paczek ..... only comes when he's called if Milo is whomping him.  Then he
has to get a lap and a back rub or he pretends not to hear you the next 6 or
7 times you call.
Big Tunk ..... thinks his name is BooBooAshleyMiloMazzyPaczek, or portions
thereof, because he comes to everything.  Mostly just to box with my hands
or hang off of the tie on my favourite pullover.
* * * * * * *
Ferrets & Friends Club & Rescue E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
"dedicated to the preservation of the domestic ferret as a
 household pet", a no-kill, not-for-profit ferret facility.
* * * * * * *
For more information about the FFCR try our homepage:
< http://www.geopages.com/Colosseum/1575 >
* * * * * * *
[Posted in FML issue 1479]