Dear FML - just a very quick post since I was supposed to be "Out of Here" 2
hours ago and have not caught up on all FMLs.  sigh.
For Linda Doran and Espie - When you see blood in the urine or bloody
urine - this is called hematuria.  The cause of hematuria can be from
several things -- primarily bacterial infection, but also secondary - in
ferrets - injury or trauma to the bladder.  I am sure the vets on line will
be on this for you, but a sample of urine can be spun down in a centrifuge
and the residue viewed under a microscope on a slide.  Often you can easily
see the bacteria and even identify it.  If this is not possible, than a
urine sample is cultured for bacterial growth, and for antibiotic
sensitivity.  I am sure your vet catherized your Espie for a sample -- not a
needle to draw urine -- and catherization can cause a bit of blood sometimes
right after it is done.  I hope by now Espie is better, if you need me, call
-- 703-765-4353.
For Debbie Riccio -- I was so sorry to learn of your loss of your Heaven ( I
read through fast and hope I have your right baby ).  The hardest loss to
bear is when you accidentally injure a ferret.  The guilt, I know, is
terrible.  And the loss -- all I can say is that most of us have been there
- and my heart goes out to you.  I would also like to comment on the
experience that you had.  I feel very strongly about this - vets should
always take their ques from owners.  If the owner wants additional testing -
in this case an x-ray - it should be done.  You will never know if more
rapid detection would have made a difference - but let me relate two of my
own experiences.
Several years ago, one of my black sable jills hit the floor going over the
headboard and stunned herself.  While I was maneuvering to get to her - she
suddenly roused and dashed out - right under the arch of my foot.  An
extremely active young ferret - she shut down and became very still.  An
examination from head to toe found nothing.  Emergency appt.  was made with
Dr.  Kawasaki and she was rushed in.  Tom found nothing either and suggested
we just observe her.  I stood there for a minute holding my very still
ferret and said - "Tom, there is something very wrong.  I would feel better
if you did an x-ray.  This is not her normal behaviour".  He immediately
took her for x-ray and found she was hemmorraging in both lungs.  We saved
her.  Thank God I have a vet who listens to owners "instincts".
Next case - after my house caught on fire about 3 years ago and all the
ferrets were pulled alive from the wreckage, they were coughing, etc.  - but
otherwise seemed o.k.  Knowing that secondary smoke inhalation can be more
serious than primary smoke damage - I took in half a dozen or so the
following day.  Tom examined them and said they appeared to be fine -- he
was amazed they survived a fire.  I could not detect fluid in the lungs by
stethescope and neither could he when he examined them.  However, I was not
satisfied and asked that he x-ray two at random.  He did.  Both had
considerable fluid in their lungs and so all of my ferrets were placed on a
diuretic and anti-biotic.  Moral - as in above cases and Debbie's horror
story -- Always Go By Your Instincts.  You know your ferrets and if you have
strong instinct that something is wrong -- you are probably right.  BTW, Tom
told me that sometimes it is very difficult to hear fluid in ferret's lungs.
This proved the case with mine - lungs sounded clear but pictures told
different story.  I know this does not help, Debbie, but maybe in the
future, it may help another ferret.  Again, my deepest sympathy for your
loss.  meg
[Posted in FML issue 1477]