Paw Paw got the afternoon off and Mee Maw wasn't home to hog the pooter.  I
really love her but she keeps acting like all the pooter stuff is for her
business.  She obviously does not understand the fact that Paw Paw and I
have much more important things to do with it.  (Anybody out there got a
spare pooter and modem they ain't usin'?)
Anyway, the Ol' Fert and I decided to try to finally catch up on replies to
all the nice mails we've recieved in the last month.  We've been chipping
away at it every day but have been falling major behind in our efforts.  I
really don't gots no idea how many nearly 200 letters is.  I asked Paw Paw
and he started counting.  When he realized that he still had his shoes on,
he gave up.  Lets see -I gots four feets, five claws on each feet, four
legs, one tail, a whole bunch of whiskers...  Heck.  I give up.  Maybe Mee
Maw can cipher it out for me.
Right now Paw Paw is sitting on the sofa lookin' kinda pleased with himself.
He's also drooling a lot so I know he's still worried.  I think he's afraid
that we left somebody out.  I don't think that we did.  I think I checked it
out pretty good.
Paw Paw's sorta that way.  He worries a lot.  Lots of people told him not to
worry 'bout sending a personal reply to all the good folks who had sent us
good mail.  He just would not hear of it.  He kept saying, over and over,
that, if folks had taken the time to write to us, then we dang sure should
take the time to write them back.  A couple of folks said that we should
just write a 'generic' response and CC it to everybody.  He said that just
was not his way.  Oh well, It sure made a lot of work for me.
Most of the mail was adrressed to him and he took care of that.  Lots of
letters were addressed to me and he made me type those replies myself.  I
don't mind tellin' ya'll, my lil' ol' front paws are tired tonight!.  That's
a whole bunch of typing!
Well, I feel pretty good myself right now.  I think my Paw Paw an' me done a
good thing.  I really hope that we did not miss anybody but, if we did, I
hope you'll understand.  We really tried.
Guess I gotta 'fess up 'bout one thing.  We haven't written back to the nice
folks who said good things about us here on the FML.  Please know that we
read and appreciated all of your comments.  Since you said them here, we
will say here, "Thank you good frends." I really hope that will do for now.
We love all of ya'll very much.
Paw Paw just quit drooling.  I guess what I already done wrote made him feel
that we done the best we could.  He told me to tell you folks not to quit
writing to us just 'cause we've been slow in responding.  He promises that
it won't happen again.
On to other matters.  We've noticed that several of our fuzzy brothers and
sisters have been having a bad time lately.  Our hearts and prayers are with
you.  Several have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  We are sorry that other
concerns have kept us from offering our condolences, prayers and hopes.
Please know that our hearts are with those who are grieving now.  I'm sure
that my Paw Paw will write more about this at a later date.
Oh yes, before I foget.  I noticed that Kelleen made a vieled threat in one
of her posts today.  (BTW, WELCOME BACK!!!) She made references to 'potatoe
chips'.  Hey, Lady, I know where you live.  Idaho, right?  I may not have
been to school, but I know that they grow taters up there.  I have no desire
to be turned into a chip :-) LYGVM
One more one time.  (Gawd, I am starting to talk like Paw Paw) Hey Bob
(Boob?), Just where in the blue blazes is my Nickname Certificate?  The Ol'
Fert's getting tired of explaining to Mee Maw why I keep stashing snailmen
in the hall closet!
Many much hugs and kisses to all my friends,
[Posted in FML issue 1477]