Things been kind of hectic here.  Gumbi has been real ill, but she's
starting to feel better now.  We figure she had a bad cold.  A question or
two for the vets - How well can us humans bring home viruses and such to our
babies?  We figure that we brought home a bug from work cause she hasn't
been anywhere in a couple of weeks, neither one of us is sick, and a couple
of people at work have a real nasty bug.  How much Nutrical should you give
a sick or recovering fuzzy?  Gumbi is now eating solid food but only a
couple of bites a day, not nearly enough to keep her going.  When home I
feed her Chicken Noodle baby food which she loves.  She doesn't like the
grainy texture or taste of the plain chicken, plus I don't mind, my hubby
doesn't read labels either and, well, now my microwave needs a miracle
Gumbi rooted in her litterbox yesterday I guess to itch her nose.  As I was
wiping her face with a soft warm washcloth she would make this weird noise.
It was kind of like a chortle and a cry mixed.  Really weird.  Luckily it
only took me two or three swipes across her poor nose.
Also, would someone please help me with getting some more cage info?  I need
a basically collapsable cage (we are in the military) with lots of room in
it.  Preferably not wire.  Plastic bottoms and such are great.  I'd rather
order from a catalouge than purchase one here in D.C.  where prices are
ridiculously high.  I've already called Safeguard (from Pam Grant's
database) and am getting a catalouge from them.  I'd like Midwest's number
if at all possible.  Thanks.
Here's a question for anyone - How long does cat food (dry) stay fresh?  We
needed more food and I went crazy.  A BIG bag of Totally Ferret, a 4lb bag
of this, a 6lb bag of that, a small box of kitten chow, some more of this
and that and before you know it - MAN, I have ALOT of food!!  What's worse
is that I only have two ferrets!  Surprised my neighbor by handing her a
container of about 10 lbs of cat food considering no cats or dogs allowed in
our building, only small animals that can be put in cages.
BIG, we switched to Erol's and have a new email address.  It's  Thanks.
There sure is a lot of new people on here.  The FML is surely growing!
Gumbi (No, mom, I can see perfectly fine.  I'm only squinting 'cause I can't
breathe through my nose)
Duncan (Why can't I drag her around the house?)
[Posted in FML issue 1476]