Debbie I tried to send this directly to you but it is saying it is
undeliverable to the address I have for you.  I would very much like to swap
newsletters with you and if you could please write to me so I have a good
address I will send my address etc....  Thanks.
Hi all ,
Light is doing great now and is eating his dry food along with a small
amount of AD each day.  Otee has yet to be seen eating anything other than
his banana so I still have to force feed him the AD each day.  Hopefully
soon he will change his mind and give the dry a chance.  He seems happier
each day so that part is looking good.  The other day when I had to leave he
even went to the door after I left and scratched like crazy so I just had to
give in and took him with me.  He seemed to enjoy it and I am glad he seems
to have decided I'm an alright mommy to have.
*          Kelleen & The INSANE Animal House        *
*          [log in to unmask]                           *
*          President & Founder of  * F.A.N.G.*      *
*        (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)   *
*          Location : Boise, Idaho                  *
*  I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday! *
*  All they want is lots of love and great chow.    *
*          Idiocy is our only option!               *
*      Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak           *
[Moderator's note: Ican't get through to Debbie either - the messages just
time out waiting for her system to acknowledge them.  If you're somehow
reading this Debbie, perhaps you wanna check stuff?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1476]