To Mish Lowe:
Maybe you're not getting answers because no one really has one, Mish.  No
one seems to really know for sure how long exposed ferrets can be carriers,
we can really only guess.
It's possible that after bringing new babies home, they may come down with
active ECE from Vanilla - then again, they may not.  This is really a
judgement call.
Some recovered ferrets have no further problems....others - like me for
instancehave had recurrences.  Four of my guys have had chronic problems
with ECE since their original outbreak in 93.  This is the FIRST winter they
have actually put on weight and not had problems with chronic diarrhea.
Last year I adopted 2 new babies - one I adopted prior to their last
outbreak, and since the new baby came from an 'exposed' household, I don't
know if that contributed to their outbreak or not.  She, herself, never got
it.  The other baby was from an ECE-free house, and I had a friend keep her
for 3 months before I brought her home.  She has never gotten ECE.
Are my guys still carriers???  Good question.  I don't know.  I still don't
take them to ferret functions, and ECE-free ferret people who come over to
my house still take precautions.  Our Shelter is ECE free and our Shelter
Director doesn't want to take any chances.  I don't blame her.
(Actually, it was 94 when I adopted the 2 girls, not 'last year').
You may want to think about an ECE-recovered ferret from a shelter.  Some
feel new babies have some sort of built in immunity and probably won't get
As you can see, I've said alot without giving you a clear cut answer.  I
wish someone could.
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1464]