Hi Guys,
Sorry this is soooooo late but after being up so long (well over 24 hours)
and stressed out I went into a coma until maybe 7pm tonite.  Feeling better
now and so are my two boys.  We went to the vet yesterday and it was pretty
good news.
First he checked out Lightbug and when he put the thermometer up his (well
you know where) he fought like a little demon until it fell out onto the
table and broke all over.  I said "Lightbug now you've gone and broke the
Doctor's buttstick!" everyone had a good laugh and the vet decided it was
wiser to use those plastic digital thermometers instead.  Light had about a
1 degree temp.  so he gave me Clavamox liquid antibiotics.  Of course Light
detests them and I am having a heck of time getting them down him.  He also
told us to feed him the AD Prescription Diet and no more Deliver until he
gets back on his dry food.  Other than that we could find nothing else
really wrong.  Thank the Great Spirit.  The exciting news was how much
Lightstar now weighs after all that yummy Deliver 2.0.  He weighed in at
about 2 lbs.  before his spleen was removed and you could feel his ribs so
easily.  As of yesterday he weighed in at just a tad under 2 3/4 lbs.!!  He
looks sooooo much better and is not fat but just right.  Even the Doc was
shocked he had managed to gain so much weight so quickly and easily.  Boy
guys this stuff really works for weight gain so try it if you need it.  Just
be prepared for them to get addicted to the stuff and make sure they don't
get so spoiled with it that they don't eat anything else.
Next came Otee who I am sure would also have broken the Doc's buttstick had
he been given the chance.  He also fought like a demon over that.  His
teeth and mouth looked good, his temp.  was fine, his tummy felt fine,
etc...  So the Doc basically said to start giving him the AD as well until
he will start to eat the solid food.  No yucky antibiotics to force down
him thank goodness.
Last nite I gave the AD to both and was pleased to find that Light would eat
it on his own but in small amounts.  So I am giving him what he will eat
each time he gets up about every 3 hours or so.  I was afraid he would
refuse anything other than the Deliver at this point.  But Otee was a whole
'nother story!  He absolutely refused it and so I had to force feed with a
syringe but at least I got it down him.  A while back I found this neat
feeding syringe at Petsmart and bought it even tho I had no need of it at
that time (smart girl).  It is a regular syringe but has this attachment
that is soft clear plastic that comes out in a maybe 2 1/2 to 3 inch long
sm.  diameter tube.  I tried that today and it sure made a difference in
feeding my newest squirt Otee.  Hopefully soon he will be eating the dry on
his own.  He seems much calmer and much less unhappy at this point.  I
actually found him sleeping out in the open today which he has never done
before.  He allows me to hold him a bit longer and doesn't seem to mind my
constant kisses so much.  I look forward to him becoming a very happy member
of this family.  Later he was seen exploring and playing on the cat scratch
post and in the cat cozy.
As of about 8pm tonite I am very happy to report that I saw Otee actually
drinking water from the self-waterer all on his own.  Then I caught Lightbug
eating his regular dry food and drinking water on his own in the pooter room
just a short bit ago.  I am a happy Mommy now.  Both will still get the AD
as wanted but now I know Light is willing to eat some dry as well.  I sure
hope Otee decides soon that it is yummy stuff too.
I want to thank Gary H.  and all others that wrote to me with helpful
suggestions during this time.  This is the 1st time I have ever had to do
force-feedings and now I know all too well what others of you have gone thru
with this.  It is definitely not a fun thing and can sure be messy at times.
I may ask the vet for different antibiotics for Light that he will take w/o
so much hassle and then I can be sure he is getting all he needs.  I tried
mixing it in the Deliver but he smelled it and flatly refused it.  I mixed
it with some AD and he ate it but I know he didn't get all he should have
since he didn't eat all the food tho it was a pretty small amount.  Why in
the world do they prescribe a minty odd tasting medicine for animals?  My
Mom said she has never had an animal that liked mint.  I wish they would
develope special variations of the medicines animals need that are
formulated for their tastes.  It sure would help matters.  Well, I will keep
you updated on the progress these two make.
BTW it is now official that Grandma is hopelessly in love with Otee.  When
it came time to pay the bill she told the lady to make seperate bills for my
two and she paid for Otee's!  What a sucker she is, but we wouldn't want her
any other way.  I am truly shocked she is not throwing a hissy over Otee
joining our family.
Hey Killian or anyone do you have any idea what color this little guy is
considered to be?  He looks like a black-eyed white only now he has a lot of
the silver color markings all across his back and into his haunches.  The
tail has a small amount of silver color but is mainly white.  He still has
white feets tho.  There is silver color up on the top back of his head but
not much.  Then he has this butterscotchy color running thru his back area.
His tummy is salt & peppered w/mostly white.  Like I said he looks just like
a baby seal.  Absolutely gorgeous!
Kelleen (Awww, come on Otee, this is GOOD stuff!  Please, ack, more pastey
food all over my ferret t-shirt!  Light you are such a GOOD boy!  No messes
with you sweetie.)
Otee (Good stuff my ---!  Quit shoving that stuff in my mouth!  Oh well
guess I'll sort of give in, this time.  I think maybe I like you anyway
Lightstar (Hmmm, not too bad MooMaw, I'll eat this all by myself and make
you a very happy Mommy.  I love you sooooo much.  I KNOW I am a good boy
but those yucky anti thingys are a whole 'nother thing.)
*          Kelleen & The INSANE Animal House        *
*          [log in to unmask]                           *
*          President & Founder of  * F.A.N.G.*      *
*        (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)   *
*          Location : Boise, Idaho                  *
*  I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday! *
*  All they want is lots of love and great chow.    *
*          Idiocy is our only option!               *
*      Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak           *
[Posted in FML issue 1474]