I received some mail about my post regarding the zoo.  I was afraid to post
their name because of libel or something but here goes anyway.  The name of
the zoo is Binder Park Zoo.  The show was part of their winter Christmas
Lights presentation.  Every half hour they and a presentation called
"Predators" where they hauled out a ferret, owl and snake.  One was a
handler and one talked.  They walked around with the ferret (with gloves)
and let people touch it and smell it (while the guy talked about how stinky
they were).  The whole presentation was either (1) negative and (2)
confusing with much talk about neutering and descenting that was all
backwards and didn't make sense.  They started, no kidding "Well our first
animal is legal now for being a pet but was bred to be vicious so you can
see the handler has to wear gloves" ended the presentation while the guy was
putting the ferret back with "so how many times did it try to bite you Joe?
Response "oh 4 or 5 times".  We talked to the two after and the handler was
one of those "I wouldn't have one as a pet I just don't trust them" and the
other guy was totally clueless - he didn't even know if it was a female or
neutered or what.  The zoo has two ferrets.  They told us there are 40 or 50
docents and they take all sorts of different animals around (incl ferrets)
for presentations.  The ferrets are just show pieces - no one or two people
handling them, love etc.  They knew so little for a zoo I was appalled - I
wonder about their vet care - my vet's probably the most knowledgeable in
town and she was with me - and just as appalled.  Their address is Binder
Park Zoo, 7400 Division Dr., Battle Creek, MI zip is either 49015 or 49016
(sorry I cant remember) I think the Director's name is Mr.  Giese.  They
also have two blackfooted ferrets in a little display behind glass which
suprised me.  Anyway we both wrote letters and didn't even get a form letter
(you know thank you for your interst).  I could almost understand since mine
was fairly scathing but my vet showed me her letter and she was fairly calm.
I offered to find their ferrets homes too.  The female we saw was so pretty,
a dark brown and yellow sable.
I just love the whole FDO and FLO scenario - what a riot - I'm in the
military and it read just like an intelligence scenario!  One of these days
I'll get another cat and watch them war game.
Thanks and dooks to all
I'm a dot
[Posted in FML issue 1473]