First of all, I am not a breeder, but I have studied genetics and breeding
and know a little bit about getting desired results.  Also, I may not have
been clear about my post regarding MF.  I never meant to imply that MF sold
ferrets after testing, only that the same animals that could be shipped to a
testing lab are being sold to a pet store.  I have had ferrets for over 10
years, most of which were MF.  (by the way, I believe a single dot in the
ear is Path Valley.)
I have talked to many people in regards to MF and do not wish to pass on
hearsay but some of the things I have heard curdle my stomach.  I am not
"anti-testing" as was suggested by one email, in fact just the opposite.  I
believe more testing is needed to determine exactly what our ferrets may be
vulnerable to.
Second, MF are not breeding animals for temperament, color, size, or any
other desirable traits other than meeting testing standards.  When that
happens, you will see many negative aspects appear ranging from scrawny
ferrets to thin hair to propensity for adrenal and insulinoma.  You will
also see many "normal" ferrets.  The odds in genetics means that you will
have some.  The difference is that the percentage of negatives vs the
positives is skewed toward the negative when inline breeding and closed gene
pools are implemented.  Reputable breeders carefully watch lineage and kits
for developing any negative traits, and if any are noted, the animals in
question are neutered and the undesirable gene line ends.  This does not
happen at MF.  I am not "picking" on MF, they simply are, IN MY OPINION, the
worst offenders.
Am I anti MF?  possibly, but I believe I have good reason to be.  They
supply the majority of ferrets to the general public, and I think that
because of that, they need to walk the high road to set an example of how to
properly breed ferrets.  Otherwise, they are in the weasel world, just
another "puppy mill".  I love all my ferrets equally, but knowing what I
know now and given a choice, I would never own a MF ferret (and this is
coming from someone who has 9 MF ferrets and 1 unknown) but I would never
give them up now.
I guess I shouldn't apologize for my opinions and certainly no one would be
able to change my opinion of MF, but I do wish to apologize to all MF ferret
owners for "dissing" on them.  I believe that knowledge is power and if all
bad practices are exposed then they will stop.
Onto another subject, GO GO GO GO GO GOTTA DANCE!  My heart and good wishes
go with you to the conference.  Fair winds and following seas!
[Posted in FML issue 1473]