Message from Drifter DarkWeasel & Judah ben Maccabee to The Danger Guys re:
FDI harassment techniques:
We have 2 cat infiltrators in our house as well - they, in fact, had
established a perimeter long before we, personally, arrived (perimeter has
since been breached).  We were lucky in that previous ferret activists had
"softened them up", as it were, in frequent past engagements, but the
following techniques work well for us:
1. Stand or lie flat about 4" in front of them - just stare.  They get very
   nervous at this and often depart.
2. Same as above, but move VERY SLOWLY about1/2" at a time toward them.  If
   they bop you on the head, stop.  Repeat.  They HATE this, and usually
3. Wait until they are eating.  Approach stealthily from the rear, under
   the tail, between the back legs and under the belly.  Materialize under
   their chin and share their food.  Generally this action will be rewarded
   with a cat in the sky and a nearly full food dish for you.
4. Approach an otherwise comfortably sleeping cat.  Stop.  Stare a while.
   Implement #2, above.  Then curl up next to and slightly behind cat.  If
   done correctly, cat will not wake up.  Enjoy snooze with warm fuzzy
   object until cat wakes up and notices how close you are.  Watch cat
   levitate.  Move into warm spot vacated by cat.  Go back to sleep.
We hope these ideas, which we implement at least twice a day each, are of
some use to you and your efforts.  Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a
way to eliminate the presence of these vermin felines altogether, or keep
them from intruding.  However, they CAN be properly trained to become
excellent ferret-toys!
Good luck in your endeavors
Dooks to you
Drifter & Judah
[Posted in FML issue 1473]