Hi everyone.  I would like to tell you about our bad adventure over the past
4 days.  Last Sunday, I noticed that my fuzzy, Peanut, wasn't eating.  I
also noticed that she really wasn't using the litter box, or any other
corner for that matter.  Later on in the day, I noticed that she was
throwing up, and I found several piles of "stuff" under the bed.  I began to
panic a little.  She would not eat, she would drink water though thank
goodness.  Monday morning I called Dr.  Caine, he said bring her in tonight.
He put her on antibiotics and sent me home.  That night was really bad,
throwing up, running to the box every 10 minutes.  Awful!  Tuesday, still
bad.  The strange thing about this was she still wanted to play.  She still
wanted to run down the stairs and have mommy chase her.  I couldn't figure
it out.  Wednesday, I called the doctor, he said get her in here right away
for a Barium (sp?) They gave her some kind of stuff and took about 6 X-Rays
to see if there was a blockage.  He said the Barium ran through her so fast,
he has never seen such a thing.  He said it was some kind of "poisoning" Her
insides were all irritated.  We think we figured out what it was...SNOW
SALT.  We must of tracked some into the house, she must have licked some and
it did a real job on her little insides.  It's Friday now, and she is well
on her way back to her healthy self.  Just VERY skinny and still a little
weak.  Just a word of caution.  It was REALLY SCARY!!!!!!!  (Thank you Sukie
for the name and number of the greatest vet in NJ!!)
Andrea &
Peanut (I'm doing alright! I just needed to go on a little diet)
[Posted in FML issue 1473]