Hi All, I spoke to a Diane Rogers who informed me that the State of Maryland
is trying to pass a quarantine for ferrets.  What Diane needs from us are
any documents that we can furnish where it lists the ferret as domestic, not
wild.  She is particularly interested in any documents signed by
Veterinarians, state officials, or any official state documents from
anywhere, even city, or county.
Their bill is coming up for a committee hearing on February 22, 1996.  Diane
has asked to get her the information by February 17, 1996.
If anyone would like to write to the sponsor of the bill heres the info:
House Bill 426
Delegate Marsha Perry, Sponsor
Lowe House Office Building
Annapolis, MD  21401
If anyone would like to contact Diane Rogers she gave permission to print
both phone numbers, Work # (410) 594-0217, Home # (410) 448-1281.
[Posted in FML issue 1469]