To: "Courtney J. Scholl" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Little baldie
In my experience it takes a long time for fur to grow back when shaved. You
should see it grow in real fast when 'little baldie' goes through the next
whole coat change though.
To: chris knudsen <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Low blood sugar
>Other than sleeping all of time and eating on the few times that he is
>awake... He has never war danced or shown any energy whatsoever.
Do you know how old this ferret is?  This makes a big difference in activity
level.  I get the feeling (I don't know why) you may have a geriatric
fellow.  I would check out the low blood sugar and you might also check the
heart.  Heart disease causes marked decrease in activity.
>We also think that he may have been abused previously, he has nightmares,
>squeaking in his sleep, and when he is picked up his whole body curls with
>his claws digging in.
From your description this fellow sounds very much like our Granny. She is
an old girl and when she sleeps she sleeps very very deeply, she mumbles and
squeeks and stretches and twists in all kinds of contortions and holds her
head with her paws while snoring. For some reason, I don't believe these are
nightmares. I think she is just much more deeply asleep and has let go of
all inhibitions. The younger ferrets seem to sleep with one eye open and an
ear perked.
> Cyber Max - Virtual Ferret
Andre Klefenz / Jennifer Strong <[log in to unmask]>
>I love him to death, but he is soooo bad!!!  He is five years old and the
>people who had him before me didnt seem to pay much attention to him../
Good luck! You sound like a wonderful person for having taken Fonzie into
your home. One training technique that works for me when working with kits
(a 5 year old might be harder) is just to pick them up while they are still
sleeping, gently wake them up and bring them to the litter box before they
are entirely awake. They seem to do their business right away and then they
get linatone licks and usually they go back to bed because they weren't
ready to get up. I do this for about a week and then by that time they
associate waking up with stumbling to the litterbox and getting treats. Best
of luck with your new friend.
[Posted in FML issue 1466]