How much would it cost to ship a ferret?  I know Star Ferrets rescues
ferrets, but how much do they charge for each ferret and shipping included?
How big should a cage be for 2-4 ferrets?  I am not planning on 4 right
away<grin>, but I will most likely buy 2 when I do and I would like them to
have ample play room should I choose to add more:).  Is it OK to feed a
ferret two meals a day (a mix of hard and canned cat food)?
I even have the names picked out.  (I have *really* planned this:) ) How's
"Garfield," "Odie," for two ferrets for sure:) Of course I may change my
mind...  I may name one in honor of my first pet hamster "Hammy." That
bugger lived for *6 years* and was a joy to own everyday:)
Selena Simonetti
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[Posted in FML issue 1466]