Today I attended a fundraiser for Governor Weld from Massachusettes.  He is
running against Senator Kerry for the U.S. Senate seat there.  I think a
couple of the organizers of the event who are family friends must have
alerted him because he approached me before I even realized what was going
on and said he'd heard that I was a ferret supporter.  I told him I was and
said that he had made lots of folks happy on both coasts by signing their
ferret bill.  I just happened to have his speech with me so, as he
autographed a copy of a terrific photograph I had of him at the bill-signing
ceremony in MA, I told him that ferrets were still illegal here and asked if
he would please give Governor Wilson a copy of his speech.  He said he'd be
delighted.  At a recent strategy session getting Governor Weld's help was
discussed as a good avenue for us because he and Wilson are very good
He's a very personable guy and very down-to-earth.  I hope MA voters elect a
man who believes in less government and does something about it.
Governor Wilson was supposed to attend the event and I was at his table (he
probably knew that) so when an aide came by to apologize for the plane not
arriving in time, someone said that he'd missed hearing about the ferret
issue.  Her reply was, "Oh he knows about that already, believe me!"  I think
the message is getting through via a bunch of channels and most importantly
those letters.  The daughter of one of our supporters said they're receiving
quite a few so a terrific thank-you to all those folks who  have written.
The Department of Fish and Game's window on public commentary is technically
open until March 7th or 8th so there's still time if you haven't written.
Please write to:
Mr. Robert Treanor
Executive Director, Fish and Game Commission
1416 9th Street, 13th Floor
Sacramento, CA  95814
Governor Pete Wilson
Governor's Office
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA  95814
Whether you live in California or not, you should tell them that this is a
perfect example of a regulation which is not just burdensome but is plain
wrong and should be repealed.
Thanks again to all those folks writing.
Jeanne Carley
If anyone has questions or comments about CA efforts and wants to reach me
directly, I can be found at [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1492]