>Scooter, after surgery that revealed nothing, is still walking like he is
>drunk.  ...  When he walks, he lurches from side-to-side, bobs his head up
>and down and side to side, drags his front paws and snakes his head back so
>he looks like an "S".  This is very distressing to watch.
We've got a ferret in our club that does much the same thing.  She had what
appeared to be a mild stroke at one time and was left somewhat "S" shaped.
Her head curves to the side and and at an angle and weaves back and forth
constantly.  Aside from this minor problem, she is rambunctious and can kick
anybody's furry behind when she's feeling up for a fight.  Her condition has
remained constant for about a year now.  Maybe this could be Scooter's
problem?  I am wondering if maybe he can't eat by himself because he hasn't
learned how to so it with his head at such a weird angle.  Mischief has to
hold her head right against the bottom of the bowl in order to eat.
Mischief is the only ferret I've seen who has suffered a stroke and lived,
much less live this well!!  You might want to have the possibility of a
stroke ruled out as well...
Sheena, who is *very* dissapointed that she missed the Ed Lipinski
interview.  If anyone maybe taped it, I would LOVE to get a copy from you
(you see, I was there...)
* * * * * * *
Ferrets & Friends Club & Rescue E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
"dedicated to the preservation of the domestic ferret as a
 household pet", a no-kill, not-for-profit ferret facility.
* * * * * * *
For more information about the FFCR try our homepage:
< http://www.geopages.com/Colosseum/1575 >
* * * * * * *
[Posted in FML issue 1465]