Hi all...
I am about to buy my fiance a baby fuzzie, one that is about 9 weeks old, or
so the pet store says.  My problem is as follows.  I am in Pittsburgh, PA.
My fiance resides in Winchester, TN and goes to school in Cookeville, TN.  I
have three wonderful fuzzies (Polly, Chico, and Frued) and have had a hard
time finding a vet who treats my ferrets gently and who knows something
about them.  My fiance will be taking the ferret (Legend) home with him at
Easter.  Since I cannot be there to take little Legend to the vets until we
are married next July, I need to find a responsible and caring vet in the
Winchester/Tullohoma (?sp) or Cookeville area.  My fiance does not know much
about ferrets,and thought I sent him a copy of the Ferret FAQ sheet, I am
afraid that he won't know what to look for, and won't be able to find
satisfactory care should an emergency arrive.  If you know of a vet in the
vacinity, please let me know.
My second problem is a little easier, I hope.  My fiance will get Legend
after I have had him for almost a month.  Will there be any problems with me
introducing Legend to him?  Also, he lives in a Fraternity house currently,
and though he will be moving at the beginning of the next school year, I am
worried that a baby won't take well to a bunch of strangers.  Not to
mention, he has two young sisters who are, much to my dismay, OVERly excited
to "play" with Legend.  Does anyone have any tips about introducing a new
fuzzie to people?  I don't want the fuzzie to turn out mean or nasty!!!!
Please help!!!
For the love of the Fuzzie,
Jessie and little Legend
[Posted in FML issue 1491]