Our gang of little wigglies are growing up really nicely --- Mithril has
finally decided that toes and fingers are for playing with, not eating
(though she forgets once in a blue moon), Obelix, our enormous sable male,
has taken a vested interest in a frog puppet that we have and had chewed on
one of its poor plastic eyeballs until we noticed and rescued it,and Molly
has taken to climbing everything in sight in order to tip over any glasses
of liquid that she sees.
The only thing we're concerned about is that while the other two LOVE
Ferretone, Molly hates it.  Whenever we offer it to her, she sniffs it then
turns away with a look of disgust, and runs off.  If we put it on her belly
to get her to groom herself (and therefore eat some of it), she rolls around
in one of the shirts in their cage and tries to rub it off.  Should we be
concerned?  All these tales about hairballs and intestinal blockages are
making me nervous.  Wouldn't Linatone help pass ingested hair?  Or should we
get Petromalt to feed to them once in a while?
Molly loves sweet stuff, like raisins and OJ, but won't even touch anything
sweet if it has a whiff of Linatone on it.  Why does she hate the stuff so
[Posted in FML issue 1491]