Hi everybody!  Its Kim from Dallas again.  My second post in two months - I
dont believe it!  I think my sweet little Honey Bunni has a cold.  She is
sneezing like crazy lately and seems to have a bit of trouble breathing at
times kinda like she is stuffed up.  I havent seen any discharge from her
nose and her eyes arent runny but I myself did have that nasty winter cold
awhile back and I know she can get it.  She is eating and drinking normal.
Nothing new in the house that she could be allergic to.  I have browsed all
the FAQs but cant find what treatment she might need (besides lots of TLC).
Do I just wait this one out ?  Can I give her chicken soup?  (HAHA) How does
a cold affect a ferret anyway?
Thanks for all your help ya'll.  My life changed for the better when my
little fuzzball came into my life but the FML has sure made it easier.  Lots
of hugs and ferret kisses from me and Bunni.
[Posted in FML issue 1491]