FROM:   Sandy E. Schieman, 103055,2551
DATE:   2/26/96 5:15 PM
Re:     We are still here
<First things first.  Mee Maw and I are in love!.  We went to Pet Circus in
Lilburn on Saturday to get some more Ferretbites for Tater.  While there (I
won't look if you won't.Yeah right!), we discovered that they had received a
new shipment of Fuzzbabies.  They were all too CUTE.  One looked exactly
like a possum.  The one that really stole our hearts was a little one who
was about half the size of the others.  She (I assume) was the brunt of much
tussling and dominance play by the larger babies.  I WANTED THAT FUZZBALL!
Mee Maw's calming influence exerted itself upon me and we left with only the
Ferretbites.  ::-(
On the way home, the only topic of conversation was that DARLING li'l baby.
Mee Maw really shut me up when she accused me of spending more time writing
about Tater than I did playing with him.  Now that hurt!  She would not have
said it if there was not a kernel of truth in it, though.  This explains why
I wrote no letters to anyone since Saturday morning.  Tater has received
quality time from his Paw Paw.  He's taking a nap right now, so I don't feel
too guilty in writing this.
BTW, Mee Maw has said many times, in the past two days, that she REALLY
wanted that little fert.  She didn't like the way the bigger guys kept
giving her what for.  Besides, she was TOO cute.  Keep your fingers crossed!
Maybe she will find a way to justify the spending of $99 on a cute li'l
The foregoing is an excerpt from the first ever Paw Paw and Tater's Mailing
List.  (PML - Thanks Karen for the name.) As you know, I have recently
despaired in trying to keep up with the personal mail which Tater and I
receive.  It is overwhelming.  I wrote a personal letter to a few friends,
asking them for their advice in how to handle ny problem.  Kelleen was kind
enough to post a letter to the FML, asking for advice on my behalf.  She
also said some kind things about me which I do not deserve.
I am simply an old man who has discovered, late in life, the supreme joy of
being owned by a ferret - Tater.  After a shaky start, I began to share the
joy and fun which Tater has brought into Mee Maw's and my lives.  Upon
reading of the sadness and pain which the illnesses and deaths of our furry
brothers brought to fellow FML members, I tried to offer my condolences and
hopes.  I frequently wish that I could really 'believe' some of the things
that I write, but that is my path, not yours.  When I write some things, I
put myself in the place of the recipients, hoping that I will also hear the
words I speak.
I am not a special man in any way.  I am finally beginning to understand
many words which have been spoken to me which I have never understood, nor
listened to, before.  Perhaps some of you have enjoyed and benefitted from
my own journey, as I have shared it here.  If so, it is a good thing.
I was deeply troubled when I allowed myself to become angry over a few
unpleasent personal e-mails a few weeks back.  In my ignorance and
enthusiasm, I reported them to the FML I often wish that I had not done so.
Had I not, however, I would never have learned that my contributions had
made such a positve effect upon so many.  I am deeply humbled by your kind
responses.  I do not deserve them.  As I have said, many times, I am simply
an old man who loves his wife, children and ferret very much.
Perhaps I do have a 'way with words'.  Perhaps my heart is good.  I pray
that it is.  I do not know.  I do know that I have discovered so many
wonderful people on the FML that my heart is frequently touched, my eyes
often weep when I read your letters.
I have rambled on for way to long already.  Sorry.  Please know that, even
though I have not been able to respond to your letters personally, they are
all in my heart.  I shall endeavour to put out a PML whenever I can, so you
will know that we do read and enjoy your letters.  (Don't worry, BIG, I have
no intention of going into competition with, nor supplanting the FML.  I'm
simply trying to address my own personal problem.  I'm a member of several
lists and groups on the NET.  Yours is, by far, the best.  Thanks for
allowing me to be a part of it.)
Tom - Excuse me.  I originally meant this letter for you.  I am easily
distracted.  My heart shares your pain about the loss of Snoopers.  He is,
indeed, in God's hands and you shall see him again.  I wrote something last
Christmas which has brought comfort to some.  I'll send you a copy, should
you wish to receive it.  Please know that we share the pain of your loss.
Do not despair.  You shall see Snoopers again, and it shall be in a better
place than this.
Sorry this was so long. Perhaps Old Ferts are allowed to ramble a bit.
Paw Paw
[Posted in FML issue 1490]