As I was searching the web for ferret clipart, I ran across a ferret sound
file.  Wondering what my two sleeping fuzzies would do if they heard it, I
downloaded it and played it a couple of times.  To me, it sounded NOTHING
like a ferret, but I guess it did to them.  From a "Dead-to-the-World" sleep
they both twitched a couple of times and then stuck their noses to the side
of their cage looking right at the speaker that was making this noise.  It
was obvious, they knew EXACTLY what this sound was and they knew EXACTLY
where it came from.  This web page had another sound file on it.  By the
time I had downloaded it and was ready to play it, they were back in their
normal, curled-up-together sleeping position, but I couldn't resist, so I
hit the play button on my sound player.  This time, I recognized it as a
ferret dooking and so did they.  The way they perked up and stuck their
noses thru the side of their cage was hilarious.  But this is their sleep
time, so I let them curl up and go back to sleep.  I can't wait 'til they
are out playing and I remember to play these sounds for them.
I searched for more ferret sound files, but didn't find much.  If anyone
has recorded sound files, please send them to me or direct me to a web site
where I can download them.
I think I may have found a way to dissuade them from trying to drag my toes
off to their 'hidie-hole' while I'm working at the computer.  The plan (and
we all know about the best laid plans of mice and men) is to put an external
speaker on the floor a few feet from where my my toes rest while I'm working
at the computer.  I'll just load up a bunch of different ferret sound files
and when the attack my toes, I'll play one of these sounds.  They'll run
over and dance around the speaker and I'll be able to get a little more work
done.  Good idea, right?  I'll let you know how well it works.
So send me those files.  I'd also like to hear how you were able to record
your fuzzies.  I have recording capabilities on my computer, but can't
imagine how I'd ever get them to be that vocal in close proximity to the
microphone in order to capture that much sound.
Ken Loomis
[Posted in FML issue 1490]