Hi There Everyone,
This is the first time I have posted to the FML and I am hoping that you all
can help me.  A year and a half ago, my 12 week old baby, Toby, decided that
he could FLY!  He would do it pretty well - flying from couch to table, cage
to desk, etc.  Unfortunately, Toby had a crash landing one night.  He began
limping and uncharacteristically wanted to be held all night long.
We headed for the vet the next morning.  At first, nothing could be found
wrong - until the x-rays...  Toby broke his hind leg so high up that the vet
could not feel the break!  To make a long story short, after consulting a
few vets, I decided on cage rest and mother nature for healing the leg.
Toby, I am thankful to say, has four good legs and shows no trouble with the
one he broke.  I was warned however that he would have a high risk of
arthitis later in life.
Now, I'm moving to CT.  I called the vet so that I could get a copy of all
of Toby's records and his x-rays.  But...  I can't have the x-rays.  They
are property of the Hospital.  Is this usual?  I think it seems important
for Toby's next vet to have access to them.  Is there anything I can do
about this?
Kim and Toby
[Posted in FML issue 1489]