I am very sad to say things are not going well with the club I founded 5
months ago.  F.A.N.G.  has only 6 paid for memberships at this time 2 of
which are myself and the vice-president David.  I have tried everything I
can think of and gotten nowhere.  We have fantastic posters all over the
place and ran ads in the very beginning.  I eventually had a base of 36 plus
possible members to work from with many of them saying how wonderful it is
and they were definitely joining.  Hah!  What a joke that has turned out to
be.  (Sorry if I sound bitter but I guess I am at this point) I have sent
out two newsletters so far to everyone free of charge and even ran a special
this last time offering the 1st year's membership for $5 off.  Our
newsletter is very good and getting better all the time.  It is worthwhile
to have.
Now with so few members committing to the cause I have no money to run more
ads or do anything we would like to.  I soon won't have any money even for
postage.  I myself cannot support the club on my own when I live off of
disability and can't even pay my own bills.  This is extremely depressing
for me and I just don't know what to do.  CAN ANYONE HELP ME?  If you have
ideas on what I can do to get more people to join please let me know.
Otherwise I am giving this venture 6 months (if possible) to get better and
if it doesn't then I guess F.A.N.G.  will be history.  I hate to think of
that but have no options at this time.  PLEASE HELP!
*      Kelleen & the INSANE Animal House              *
*      President and Founder of F.A.N.G.              *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      Boise, Idaho                                   *
*      [log in to unmask]                                 *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
*         Idiocy is our only option!                  *
*     Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak              *
[Posted in FML issue 1489]