Hi all!
I received a call on Saturday from a frantic ferret owner.  She has a five
year old ferret that she owned since he was a kit.  Apparantly, he
accidently escaped and a maintainance person found him running outside the
condo grounds.  Her neighbors were up in arms and threatened to call animal
control.  They gave her until Wednesday to "get rid" of him.  She owns her
condo but apparantly a "no pet" ordinance was passed that she never did see.
She is extremely upset, and rightly so.  Until this incident, no one even
knew she had him, not that she was keeping him a secret.  I wanted to help
out, but my ferrets are carriers of ECE (Greenies).  This ferret is five and
has never had contact with other ferrets.  I didn't want to bring such an
old and naive ferret in my home.  I told her I would look for alternatives.
She is in the process of selling her condo and finding a place for her and
her fuzzy.  Some friends of hers have offered to take him, but only if he is
caged.  He isn't used to being caged, so she is looking for someone who may
be able to give him more attention.
She currently is living in Bethesda, MD.  If anyone in the area knows if
they or anyone else can take this poor little fuzzy, please let me know.
The owner knows that she is asking for a long term commitment of at least a
couple of months, but she is desparate.
Ellen Byrne
H:  301-540-2756
email:  [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1489]