I am relatively new to the FML, and enjoy reading all the anecdotes,
inquiries, and funny letters.  Fortunately, <getting on soap box, now> it
appears that_most_ of the readers/subscribers tend to subscribe for that
reason as well.  Laurel, I'm sure you have learned from your mistakes, and
if I'm not mistaken, you have admitted so.  I, myself, have made numerous
mistakes with my fuzzies.  I have learned from them, I felt terribly guilty,
the ferrets all have forgiven me and my foibles; therefore, I am at peace
with it all.  Thank you very much for your input, but PLEASE let's leave
this "non-flame" and "outright-admitting-it-flame" stuff to the
ferret-hating-bureaucrats in CA , HA, DC,and Columbus,OH.  Feel free to
"flame" me, just please don't do it on the FML.  Great, wonderful,
intelligent people (and respective ferrets) like Laurel, Kelleen, and Paw
Paw are funny and interesting to hear from.....I'm sure they don't want to
see the word "flame" ever again!  PS.  I would have e-mailed this, but you
were anonymous.....wonder why?!?!  <getting kicked off soapox now!> Thanx
for listening, those who did...  (apologies to all for being so offensive)
and Dooks!  to all who write the letters,anecdotes, and questions we all
don't mind reading.
S. Killian
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[Posted in FML issue 1465]