To: Ken Loomis.
Boy, do I envy you.  I wish I could spend as much time with our fuzzies as
you can with yours.  I get the pouty look and sad eyes just as I'm walking
out the door for work.
Anyway, to answer some of your questions:
Re: Sleeping - Depending on the type of bed you have (i.e.  mattress vs.
water) generally your fuzzies will be fast enough to get out of your way.
But do be careful, sometimes they go the wrong way.  I was in my kitchen
cleaning and I went to sit down on the floor and our little girl picked that
moment to be in the exact spot I was going to sit in.  Luckily she realized
what was happening.
Re: Popcorn - Our 1st fuzzy (Sneaky Pete has since crossed the Bridge) LOVED
popcorn.  My husband would give Pete a few kernels and he would just devour
them.  Our two fuzzies now just seem to want to play with it.
Re: Treats & Food - We feed our guys Iams kitten.  They both love it.  Of
course they both also eat the Cat Chow that we have out for the cat.  Iams
looks like little three prong starts.  I think the pellet stuff is Marshall
Farms.  I have a small sample bag and can't get wither of them to touch the
stuff.  Totally Ferret looks like Iams.  As for treats, our little girl
loves Ferretone and just about anything else she can get her nose into.  Our
male is very picky.  He eats Iams kitten food, Cat Chow and Quik Strawberry
syrup.  We know the last isn't very good for him (I'm told sugar causes
digestive problems), but he won't take anything else as a treat.
Now, I have a question for you.  How did you get your little girl to
stop biting?
Well, enjoy your cuties, and don't forget to let them know who's
boss.....  THEM!
[Posted in FML issue 1487]