HI.  I just got 2 beautiful (devilish) 5-month old female kits.  I have had
one ferret before, but she was already 1 1/2 years old when I adopted her,
and far more mature than these little munchkins.
I want desperately to teach them to ride on my shoulder or in a bag so that
I can take them out with me when Spring arrives.  Unfortunately, neither
will sit still.  Sully just slides down my whole body, leaving little claw
marks on whatever I'm wearing, and Fret leaps into the air to dive headfirst
at the floor.  (I think she likes watching me scramble to catch her.) Help.
Any suggestions.
Also: I have the wonderful opportunity to write an article on ferrets for a
parenting magazine.  I have plenty of information about ferrets in general,
but would like to hear about their interactions with children.  If you have
both furry and non-furry little ones, please let me know about how they get
along.  Please send the info to [log in to unmask], because
I'm not sure the rest of the list needs to hear about this.
ferrets are the meaning of life.
[Posted in FML issue 1487]