I am happy to announce that my three ferrets all use the same place to go to
the bathroom now!  We put down old carpet pieces in their favorite corner
and they all use it without fail!  I am so happy!
Today in the newspaper there was a report of a cat having the plague!  The
newspaper recommended that pet owners use flea powder on their pets!  I have
a cat who spends 50% of his time outside, and I don't want him to bring
anything back to my ferrets.  Can anyone recommend a mild flea powder for my
little guys?
As for shedding, it has been about 75 degrees here!  My ferrets are getting
rid of their winter coats.  My boyfriend will put Ferretone on his hand and
while the ferret is busy licking, I brush..REALLLLLLLY fast!
[Posted in FML issue 1486]