The HSUS EXPO 96 in Las Vegas went very well for all the Ferret People.
Lots of visitors to all three of the Ferret Booths.  Vendors who did not
carry Ferret Stuff very unhappy they didn't.  Those Vendors that did carrry
Ferret Stuff SOLD OUT.
We let the California Ferret People handle the questions from various
regional Humane Society Shelters, Animal Control, and visitors from the
state of California as they definitely knew more about what was going on in
California then those of us from other states did.
The Ferret Love pictures were adorable.  People kept opening the MA Ferret
Announcement Card (thankfully it is still in tact) for Ferret Freedom Day.
One exceptional event.  Terri Crisp of United Animal Nations (they answer
Disasters all over the World) made connection with FFDRI person Gary
Holowicki.  Terri and all people from the United Animal Nations Table
visited with Gary at Gary's Motor Home where they met Gary's 8 Ferrets, 2
Cats and Gary's son.  Needless to say they were impressed with Gary's Motor
Home and that it was fully equipped to run as an indepent unit during times
of disaster (Gary when you read this please post Motor Home capabilities in
the FML as it will assist others with Motor Homes).  Gary also is a Licensed
Massage Therapist and a Certified Massage Therapist and used his skills to
relieve headache and backaches of not only the crew from the United Animal
Nations booth but for some people from the Ferret Booths.  As we were
breaking the booth down after the EXPO Terri Crisp made a point of visiting
us to let us know that as soon as California changed their laws - she and
her husband would be Ferret Owned.  Also Gary provided Debbie Coburn and
Myself some great all natural First Aid things to help us on our trip home
(Gary thanks so much the Echinacea it completely knocked out a nastly
developing boil.  Also thanks for the Ferretone and other goodies).
Of course as ususal we went around to the various booths during the
breakdown and begged for stuff for the New Shelter being set up in Las
For ROSE SMITH OF LOS.  HSUS Officials had glowing comments for your
handling of the 120 Ferrets that were stranded at the Airport during the
Snow Storm.  For those of you who do not know or have not read the story
"120 Ferret Guests for Christmas Dinner" can read it in the L.O S.  Ferret
Digest Magazine issue Dec/Jan 1995/1996.  Also I MUST mention here that Rose
is holding A Speciality Show to help raise money to pay of the Medical bills
incurred during that rescue.
I must say I made and INCREDIBLE error when I ask you all to have your
friends honk at us when they saw us on the road.  The first 10 times people
honked at us we were looking arounds craizly to figure out what was wrong
with our driving or the GOTTA DANCE VAN.  After a while we got use to the
honking.  Next time I will ask people to WAVE.
The GOTTA DANCE VAN was very popular at Rest Stops, Restaurants, Truck Stops
and along the Road.  At stops we handed out Literature and answered
questions.  Along the road people would pull up beside us and honk and wave
and point to themselves (I think the pointing meant that they were owned by
Special Thanks to Troy Lynn Eckhart for coming down to the EXPO - YOU did
make a difference!  We wish you could have stayed a little longer.  To
HOWARD DAVIS of L.I.F.E., FFIRCI and FFDRI - it is my true dream that Ferret
People everywhere will someday know of your total commitment, the sacrifices
you made, and selfless dedication for Ferrets all over the United States -
in my lifetime I shall never be able to thank you enough.
Finally to Debbie Coburn - LOS FLA - possibly one of the strongest
individuals I have ever met.  You put up will all my bull for 11 days (and
lived through it).  Thank you so much.
Well it's over for this Year.  Next year the EXPO is in Orland From Feb 12 -
15 .  FFDRI is working on having a Ferret Show Sat 15, and Sun 16th in
Orlando.  We would like to here from any of you who would be willing to come
to the show or sponsor rings for the show.  This will be a great opportunity
for the HSUS and other Animal people to see us all up close and personal
WITH our FERRETS.  Currently we are looking for a sponsor for the FFDRI
Evacuation Kit Contest (Prize will be $100 - $500 for the best Disaster
Evacuation Kit).  Since we would like this to be a great show we will be
asking L.I.F.E to saunction it.
If you have questions about the EXPO be sure and E-Mail me.  [log in to unmask]
Thanks to all of you who sent money, magnetic signs, educational
information, wishs of love and hope to us.  MOST OF ALL THANKS FOR
Chere McCoy
[Posted in FML issue 1485]