Hi Deana,
You posted yesterday about a skunky smell around your ferret's ears.
Ferrets have two scent glands located on the sides of their heads below the
ears which are probably the source of the odor you're talking about.  While
all ferrets have these glands, they are especially active in the males, and
produce the characteristic mustelid "musk" that you described.  You might
notice that he will rub his head on things he likes (favorite toys, his
personal space, other ferrets, your hands and feet).  This is a natural way
of marking his property, he's rubbing the musk on them.  Turn his head over
and look in back of the two large wiskers on either side of his jaw below
the mouth, and you should be able to see the glands (the fur around it will
look oily if the animal is producing large amounts of musk).  The gland
produces different amounts of musk under different conditions, but if the
odor is very strong, you might want to check for an infection.  If you rub
that spot with your fingers, he should adore it (mine coos).  If there is
any pain, there is probably some form of infection which would bear
watching.  Otherwise, it's probably just natural.  My male gets stinky when
he starts his winter weight gain, and stops being particularly active (like
males of other species?).  I have found that a good daily rub of the sides
of his jaws with a nice coarse towel, or a brushing with a soft brush takes
care of the problem - and Mo loves it.  If your fuzzie hadn't been
descented, it would be producing musk from very large glands in its lower
abdomen as well, and would REALLY be skunky.  The small glands on the side
of the head are nothing compared to those huge glands at the base of the
tail.  Hope this helps, and enjoy your pet...
Gwen M. Daley
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Moria, Luthien, and Eowyn (Mo, Lulu, and Winnie)
Department of Geological Sciences
4044 Derring Hall
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0420
[Posted in FML issue 1485]