Ginger here.  I overheard the Mom-person telling the Big Furry Giant (the
Human kits call him "Daddy") that she told my story on the FML Saturday and
got lots of nice letters about me!  About ME!  No one EVER paid attention to
me when I lived in that "Pet Store" place, and now I have all kinds of
friends!  Lao Bear (what a hunk - and a gentleman too!) told me it's proper
Human etiquette to say "thank you" when people say nice things about you, so
I like this new place, but I've never seen so many fuzzies in my life!
After Mom made sure I would get along o.k.  with Lao (what's not to love?)
she introduced me to Pinto, Uma, and Fuji, who are "shelter ferrets." I
don't know what "shelter ferrets" means, but I think they're just visiting.
I noticed that none of them have those snazzy collars with the jingly things
and scribbly writing on them.  I REALLY like the jingly things, and tried
very hard to get Lao to let me have his, but he wouldn't!  He is very proud
of it, and said I have to earn the right to wear one.  He was very
mysterious about how I could do that, but I heard the B.F.G.  say something
about it depending on how well I can "socialize" with the others, so as soon
as I find out what that means, I'm going to try to do it so I can have my
very own!
Pinto and Uma are nice, but Uma told me they're going to live with a new
Mommy & Daddy on Tuesday.  They're very happy about it, and I think it means
I'll get more treats - Pinto is SUCH a pig!  Mom let me visit with Gurgey
yesterday, though I was a little scared at first.  I'd heard that if he
doesn't like you, you're in BIG TROUBLE, and once he beat Roscoe (another
"shelter ferret") so badly that Roscoe had to go to the vet, and Mom spent
weeks nursing him back to health!  It turns out that Gurgey's not really so
tough, though!  He chased me and tried to bite my scruff and drag me for
awhile, but I'm MUCH faster and ran circles around him till he got tired and
gave up.  Now he likes me (and we look a lot alike except he's more silvery
& I'm a champagne blonde - Mom says we're probably related, since we came
from the same breeder), and he and Lao even slept in my cage with me last
night.  But he wouldn't tell me about the "mystery of the jinglies" either!
Mmmm... fuzzies are SO warm & comfortable, even if I DID get fur up my nose!
Next I get to meet Samantha, then Puka.  Gurgey said 'Mantha is a bit bossy,
but o.k.  once she gets to know you, and confided that she used to beat him
up when he was a kit.  He said she still scruffs him every now & then to let
him know who's boss, even though he's MUCH bigger than she is now - but he
plays along because it makes the old girl feel better.  I'm scared of Puka.
She's tiny & very beautiful, with her white fur and flashing dark eyes, but
I heard she's a real Calamity Jane, & pure mean if she thinks you're trying
to move in on her territory.  But then, those Pet Store Humans said I'm mean
too - "meaner than a snake & twice as fast." I'm not, really - it was just
all those rodents & terrifying HANDS!!!
I'm learning not to be so afraid of Hands, 'specially when they have treats
in them.  I LOVE treats, and even let Mom pick me up without wearing gloves
yesterday (Lao said I had to, 'cuz it was her birthday & ferrets are
supposed to be 'specially nice to Humans on their birthdays).  She was
really proud of me for being so brave, and I got extra treats for not biting
her (even if she did scruff me a couple times - I HATE that!) That B.F.G.
is another matter - he's just SO big, and has fur on his face and a loud
voice!  I THINK he's nice, and Gurgey really likes him, but I'm keeping my
eye on him for awhile longer!
Well, I could tell you a lot more about this new place, but I think B.I.G.
might not like it if I go on too long on the FML :-).  I'll write to all you
nice folks again soon!
[Posted in FML issue 1484]