Here we go again!  After Tater and I finally be done got caught up on the
mail, we done did got behind again.  I gaaaurraantee!
You ferrets, and ferret-folks are the bestest folks we ever done met.
(Tater and I are writing this together - sorry if the combination of our
writing styles is a bit confusing.)
We must apologize, again, for being so slow in responding to all your nice
letters.  We do read all of them and share them with Mee Maw - even if the
problem is *all her fault* 'cause she hogs the pooters so much :-)
Anywho, we wanted to post a few comments/replies to recent postings on
the FML:
David - Loved the thing about the Rainbow Bridge.  Please send us a file
copy of it so we can print it off by itself.  BTW, we think Milo was really
the first to use the expression 'Tater Chip".  Doesn't matter, really.
We'll consider it a tie for now.  (Tater is still not very fond of the
Milo - Thanks so much for your great letter and copies of the newsletters.
Your Mum and the other folks up there in Vancouver are certainly doing a
great job - and they write such good stories too!
GOTTA DANCE - Good luck!  Carry on the good fight.  Oops, didn't realized
that you were almost back home already.  Well, we said that we were behind.
Bob - You just ain't right, Dude!  We can say that 'cause we ain't neither.
BTW, if Tater doesn't get his Nickname Certificate soon, I'm going to have
to rent a back-hoe to bury all the snailmen he keeps mutilating, demanding
to know where his Certificate is :;-)
Ken - Congratulations.  We think it's great that you took the plunge and
brought Bilbo and whatshername home to live with you.  Give yourself a
seegar, Dad.
Dr. Karen - Make sure you call ahead and make sure we aren't having TV
dinners that night.  Paw Paw still hasn't figured out how to cook one right.
Kit - Alright!  give our best to Amber.  Hope she continues to improve.
Departed and sick fuzzies - Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you.
We shall all meet again on that Rainbow Bridge.  Talk about a "Great Gettin'
up Morning!' Wow, that's going to be one heck of a party!
Bill and Zen - We all know the sound of two ferrets dooking.  What is the
sound of one ferret dooking?  If a ferret dooks in the woods, and there is
no one there to hear it, does the ferret make any sound?  We really GOTTA
know ;:-)
Jim Earl Billy Frank Doofus - We don't cotton much to barbecued ferret here
in our neck of the woods.  You need to seek professional help, and we ain't
talkin' about your cousin, Rev.  Billy Bob Melinda May Doofus!  Ya'll might
just be good ol' Georgia Crackers but we think ya'll might better give
serious thought (it's that thang ya do with your haid.  NO, not that one!)
to choppin' down ya'll's family tree.
Jeri - Glad you and Kelleen got back in touch.  Thanks for all the great
letters 'bout our stories.
Kelleen - Give OTEE Panda a big ol' hug from us.  Glad you're eating the
good stuff, Li'l Guy.  Take good care of Lightstar.  Loved Pearl's song -
surely you aren't old enough to remember the original.  I am, though.  Ouch.
Guess we could just go on and on.  Mee Maw just informed us that we had to
get off of this pooter too.  She sure is mean sometimes!  Just kidding!
Maybe her business will get so successful soon that she can support both of
us in the style in which we'd like to become accustomed.
Oh yes, Jenny - We could not disagree more with what you said on the Penguin
Mailing List today.  You are obviously a total and complete idiot.  May all
your feathers rot and turn into green slime!  If you knew anything at all
about Penguins, it should be apparent to you that...  Oops!  Sorry.  Wrong
list ;;-)
More later.  Many much hugs, dooks and cold wet noses in the middle of the
night from,
Paw Paw (::-{)}~~~ an' Tater (Dreaded sender of snow.  Hey, Paw Paw.  Have
you noticed that your initials spell PeePee?  Just though you'd like to know
PS: FLO - Just want you to know that I'm doing my part.  I just chased Thor
all over the house with a 'long-nosed sucky thing'.  I dont gots no cat
problem - they all know who the Boss is.  I'm willing to do my part for the
cause.  Please don't forget to send my membership kit.  (Reckon how a cat
would feel 'bout a big ol' chuck of snow?) - Tater
[Posted in FML issue 1484]