Hi everyone.
I'm watching a friend's ferret while she goes to the evil FFZ on the west
coast and she uses scoopable litter.  It's the Tidy Cat dust free kind and
cleaning the litter box is MUCH easier with it.  When it first came out on
the market, the scoopables were very dusty and the general opinion was that
they were bad for ferrets.
Has that opinion changed yet?  When I was refilling the visitor's litter
box, I noticed that it put out less dust when I was pouring it than my
current "dust free" litter that I use for Rockford.  She's very well potty
trained and will already use the clumping litter.
Regardless of which is easier, I'll still do what's best for my pet and
will tell my friend the list's opinion as well.
Thanks for the advice!
[Posted in FML issue 1445]