Hi all!
This list is very helpful!
I just got a preeetty little ferret last saturday and I am a very happy
camper.  I have had some trouble litter training the critter but most
importantly today she really got on my nerves when she dug out her litter
box and threw the contents about.  (most fell on the tray below, but a lot
ended up in the carpet) has anyone here had that problem?  is there a
solution?  how often should the "sand" be completely changed?  Please help,
I felt like the cruelest of people yelling at the little animal.
        Roberto Leibman
P.S.  her name is Esper, after an imaginary friend I had when I was a kid.
I used to yell at my mother not to sit on the same chair on top of my
imaginary friend, so the name is oddly appropiate.
P.P.S.  I cross posted this to Compuserve's Animal forum in the hope that I
get an answer faster, sorry to the peeps that read both.
[Posted in FML issue 1450]