I have an ineresting persistence story about Sarah.  Because she is spoiled
she has taught me to pick her up and let her on the sink so that she can
drink out of the faucet, but sometimes I am busy when she wants up on the
counter.  So, she figured out how to drink out of the toilet.  If she knocks
down the trashcan and pushes it so that it wedges between the toilet and the
tub, she can climb up on the side and lean into the toilet to drink out of
the toilet.  It is very cute, but I worry about her falling in, so, much to
her chagrin, I close the toilet when she's out.  Now she has her own water
dish which is cleaned and refilled twice daily, but I guess the grass is
always greener...
Caroline (Sarah's well-trained pet)
[Posted in FML issue 1450]