Has anyone ever experienced a jealous ferret?  One's that's jealous of
another PERSON?  Before I became involved with my S.O., Geordi (my 2.5 year
old, 5 lb. sable male) kept pretty much to himself.  He'd seek my attention
once in a while, but was usually content to make his own fun or play with
(i.e.  beat up on) his step-sister.  But once my S.O.  started coming over,
he has been nothing short of _totally obnoxious_ every time she's there.
And it's not just the "adapting to new people" thing, because I've had
plenty of others over and he was nothing like this.  He's always underfoot
and starts to nip when he can.  When anyone else is over, he'll usually give
them the "once over", but get bored with them and go back to sleep.  When
she's over, he's CONSTANTLY in motion.  The last time she was over, Geordi
actually treated HER better than ME!  She could do no wrong but he wanted
NOTHING to do with daddy.  Since that day, he's been VERY affectionate (for
him anyway) and is usually quite anxious to attract my attention.  Anyone
else have this happen?
Does anyone know of any particularly Ferret Friendly vets on Long Island?
Hopefully in the mid-Suffolk county area?  My current vet is good for routine
check ups and vaccinations, but I'd like to know a real "pro" if (God forbid)
they were to have problems.  Please reply via email.  Thanks
P.S.  Everyone, it's spelled R-A-I-S-I-N!!!!!! (sorry, pet peeve of mine)
[Posted in FML issue 1450]