>... was a new distemper series that only required two shots and not three."
We just got our Ohamha Catelog and they are still recommending distempter
shots at 8, 11, and 14 weeks.  FERVAC is the only "USDA Approved" distemper
vaccine for ferrets in the US. - that I know of.  If there is something new
out and/or new recommendations, I'd sure love to have the information to
pass along to our vet.
I'd recommend the ferret rabies vaccine for all ferrets that can safely take
it.  Although your ferret is unlikely to contact a rabies vector, it may
protect your ferret from Public Health officials should it ever bite
someone.  The vaccine manufacturer does recommend a two week space between
the rabies and the distemper vaccinations.  At our shelter we pretreat with
1 ml of pediatric benedryl 1/2 hour to 45 minutes prior to either
>My ferret Adida itches and itches and itches herself over and over and over
Could be dry skin.  Very prevelant this time of year.  Maybe an extra
helping of ferretone a day and/or some skin moisturizer rubbed in well (Avon
Skin so Soft or Mane and Tail Conditioner is what we use) might help.  If
you notice a rash and hair loss, you might want to have her seen by a vet to
make sure it's not more serious.
>his babies have problems with the preservative ethoxiquin and someone
>else pointed out that it was in Iam's.
We've been feeding our a mizture of IAMS and Science Diet with no problems.
The ethoxiquin question keeps coming up and there seems to be no scientific
evidence at all that it is harmful.  Changing foods on a ferret will often
cause an upset stomach.  If you go to Iams kitten food, you might want to
stick to it.  To get there you might want to mix a small amount of Iams with
the Kay-T and gradually, over a period of weeks, increase the amount of Iams
until there is no more Kay-T.  Less likely to cause more upset stomachs.
>if the person who was bitten makes a complaint, your ferret can legally
>be taken away and examined for rabies.
Yes, that's the reason ferrets should be vaccinated.  In New Hampshire we
have a state law that grants a vaccinated ferret a quarantine.  I believe
that this is the only state that does so by law.  Some communities do have
policies to that effect.
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 1449]