Question - has anyone (people, not ferrets) out there done away with the
litter pan altogether?  We've got an old sick little guy who can no longer
walk or stand very long - he can't get into a pan and he can't stand on the
uneven surface if we put him there.
He's living in a section of my bedroom right now & we've been letting him go
where ever he feels like.  I tried putting paper down, but he won't walk on
it.  I also tried to put towels down in spots that are freqently used, but
he thinks I'm setting up new beds.
I've been very good about cleaning up & my husband is being very patient
(for now), but I'm not sure if this is the best solution.  Any suggestions?
We thought this weakness was from his insulinoma, but his sugar levels
tested fine.  Then we thought maybe it was arthritis, but it seems we were
barking up the wrong tree.  I know rear weakness can be caused by lots of
stuff in ferrets so I wasn't going to worry about it until we noticed that
he has NO muscle mass in his right rear leg - so we've been trying to
strengthen that leg with mini-excercises.  Anyone else tryied physical
therapy for ferrets and had success?  Any PTs on the FML have any advice?
Andi & Gonzo
[Posted in FML issue 1449]