Hello I have bean lurking on the fnl for about 5 months now.  I wanted my
first letter to be something happy, but this is not the case.  My SO and I
had gotten our first ferret just after Mi.  legalized them her name is Loki
and she is a M.F.  sable.  We found a really nice Vet by our apt.  Had all
her shots and every thing.  After about six months or so ferret math took
over and we got another one, Raven another M.F.  female.  Yesterday I had
noticed that Loki was loosing some hair then I also noticed a hard mass in
her abdomen, since it was time for her yearly checkup I made an appointment
for her this morning.  My worst fears were confirmed she has a mass
growth,possibly on her spleen.  She goes into exploratory surgery at 8:00
tomorrow morning.The Vet doesn't know if she can remove it because in the
X-rays the tumor blocks the rest of the organs.  Sorry about this gloomy
letter but I needed to tell someone who would sympathize with me.  Most of
my friends are pet less and my parents don't need to hear any more bad news
because they just had to put to sleep there dog of 12 years.  I hope I
didn't offend any one with this gloom and doom, but I needed to tell some
one who cares about ferrets.  I will write tomorrow with an update.  I hope
she is going to come though this because I do already miss her.
Thank you .
[Posted in FML issue 1448]