Well, Bud's necropsy results are in, and as expected they are inconclusive.
I spoke to my vet about them.  From what he said I think his best guess is
autoimmune hemolytic anemia (he didn't mention that specific condition this
time, but what he described sounded like when we were discussing AHA when
Bud first got sick).  What triggered the illness is impossible to say.  I
asked him if the slight weakness I thought I might be seeing in Bud at the
beginning of the month (two weeks prior to Bud's jaundice attack) might have
been an early symptom, and if blood tests then might have caught it.  He
said he didn't think so, based on how quickly Bud's illness took him.  If
anyone (vets in particular) would like to look over Bud's necropsy report
it's on the web at:
For more medical background, you can see Bud's pathology report after his
adrenal surgery at:
Any opinions you have would be welcome. If you need any more background
email me and let me know.
John Rosloot, Caregiver to Cassidy and Sammy
With loving memories of my dear departed Buddy
Technical analyst, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
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[Posted in FML issue 1448]