Time for Potpie's annual vaccines rolled around, her being 3 years old, and
about 15 minutes after the Fervac-D/Imrab shots, she started vomiting.
After about 15 minutes, she stopped and immediately fell solidly asleep.
Fortunately, i was at the vet's still when she started vomiting, and the vet
tech took her back to a cage so that Dr. Daldin could watch her.  Meanwhile,
some weird man was playing with Noodle while waiting for his cat.
So, question: Should I expect a more severe reaction next year?
Reason two for the trip to the vets: Noodle, with one dirty ear, was under
suspicion of having earmites.  Turns out they ALL have earmites.  Yum yum!
Melissa gets to run around, dropping little oily drops into not three, but
FOUR pairs of fuzzy ears - BOBOkitty is most displeased with me.  Mmm, pet
ownership.  As far as i can tell, the earmites fell from the sky into my
pets' ears, who havent been outside or around any other animals for a while
Additional comment, re: baths.  Noodle's getting a bath a week from now on.
The dork just WON'T stop playing in his litterbox.
Melissa, drip drip drip
    Melissa Litwicki                                    [log in to unmask]
    Radio Controlled Operation In Vivid Six Ways Of Movement With Reality!
[Posted in FML issue 1448]