Recently there have been several mentions of canine distemper outbreaks in
vaccinated ferrets.  I'm aware of the cases in SC and the shelter in Va.
but I thought someone had mentioned cases in Calif.  and other states.
I've gone through the last 20 issues of the FML but I can't find the posts
that I'm looking for.  If there has been an outbreak of CDV in your area or
you know of an outbreak, would you please e-mail me with the pertinent
information.  Or tell me how to contact the people actually involved.  I'm
trying to gather information for the AFA.  They were only aware of the
problem in SC.  I also spoke with United Vaccine and they too supposedly,
were unaware of cases of CDV anywhere but SC.
I need to know where, how many ferrets are involved, when they were
vaccinated and with what lot numbers, whether or United was notified,
that sort of thing.  Thanks for any help you can give me.
[Posted in FML issue 1448]