>Ferrets are never afraid to try and fail for something they really want.
>How inspiring!
This is the same frame of mind I have about my ferrets, which dumbfounds my
non-ferret-loving friends and co-workers.
The ferrets are constantly thinking up new ways to drive me insane -- just
when I think something is safe, they find a way to get to it and hide it
somewhere.  And never mind telling them they can't look into my dishes when
I'm eating, or crawl under the cushions at the exact moment I want to sit
down, or jump inside my shoe just when I'm about to put it on, (etc., etc.).
And all I can ever think of is how clever they are!  My friends think I have
supernatural patience -- I just think I'm in love (the little cuties!)  :-)
[Posted in FML issue 1447]