Greetings from Seattle!
I am so excited I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight.  I got home
earlier from the grocery store and there was a message on my answering
machine from a woman who had advertised a ferret for sale in the paper.  I
called her back and we talked ferrets for awhile.  I told her that I had
taken Flip with me to the store and she cryed out "FLIP!".  Then she asked
me my name.  To make a long story short, she is the same woman that I
adopted Flip from a year ago.  She had to give him up as she was pregnant
and her husband didn't want a ferret around the new baby.  In the
intervening time she adopted another ferret kit that her parents had found
in their backyard about to get eaten by some cats.  Now it is time to adopt
this one out as well and I am only the second person to call.
This is amazing because we had both lost each other's phone numbers and
hadn't talked for at least 11 months.  Also, she had put an ad in the paper
before and hadn't recieved any calls.  The one other call she got from this
ad was from some spacey people she didn't trust.  I guess this might mean
that it's destiny!
She's bringing Rosie<?> over on Thursday night to meet Flip.  Wish us luck!
P.S. By the way, the trip to the store was a blast!  It was raining out but
Flip didn't mind a bit.  We walked three blocks and he rolled in the dirt
and tunneled through the high grass.  In the store he stood in the front of
the cart with his paws up on the edge and surveyed his new playground.  He
looked like a chairioteer up there.  Many people stopped us and asked to pet
him.  Only one woman was startled when she came around the corner too fast
and saw Flip standing on his hind legs in the front of the cart.  She was
soon peting him though.  All in all a very successful trip.
      "The tide is turning...the enemy is suffering terrible losses..."
                                                -- Gen. Geo. A. Custer
[Posted in FML issue 1445]