When I clip Seth or Emma's tonails, I put a bit of ferretone on their tummy,
which distracts them while I clip.  Well, Seth the Clever has finally caught
on to me.  Last night, I sat down wiht him, put the ferretone on his
stomach, and started.  He licked up just enough to keep it from dripping
off, then leapt up and ran into a hiding spot, where he leisurely licked off
the rest.  This morning, same thing.
<sigh>....ah well...
-joyce (Why, Seth?  Why?)
-Seth, Avoider of Clipping (ha ha ha   i outsmarted you silly human)
-Emma (you really should have seen it coming)
-Devilbunny Melissa (Hmph.  That's the first intelligent thing I've seen
 from either of you taffy rats.)
[Posted in FML issue 1445]