Hello -
Litje, Turlough and Gaoth went through what we strongly suspect was ECE in
March/April 1995 (our vet hadn't heard of it at that time, so just treated
it with Flagyl for secondary infections, and supportive care until it was
over).  I was taking care of a friend's ferret during the suspected episode,
and he had to be nursed through it also.  When he went home, he was kept in
quarantine for one week while their other ferret went on Albon for a few
days just as a preventive measure.  The other ferret never developed it, and
the male has had no recurrence.  One or another of my first 3 will
occasionally have a suspicious stool (partly green, somewhat soft, but not
runny), but it's always an isolated incident, and could be caused by
something else.  My fourth (and newest) ferret, Quidni, has had a couple of
suspicious stools in the 2 1/2 months since I "rescued" her, but nothing
1. Is there any new or definitive data yet on how long a ferret can remain
   a carrier of ECE?
2. Could Quidni be (at least partially) immune?  I don't believe she has
   actually had a full-blown episode (or her first owners might have gotten
   rid of her sooner).
3. What is the danger for other ferrets if they are exposed to mine?
4. I had expected Quidni to develop it, and she hasn't.  What are the odds
   of any new ferret I adopt developing ECE if they haven't already been
   through it?
5. My friend's female has never developed any symptoms.  Are some ferrets
   immune, or could the Albon have allowed her to be exposed safely enough
   that she could develop immunity?
I'm looking at trying to start a local club, and need to know what kind of
care we will need to take if everyone's critters attend also.  Any insight
on these questions would be welcome.
Carla & the Woozlemaniacs
[Posted in FML issue 1445]