RE: Ferrets allowed to run loose outside.
IMHO, you're taking a chance letting the ferret loose without a harness,
leash and a human on one end; especially in the snow.  Ferret curiosity,
being what it is, means that there is a whole new world to explore.  If they
don't want to be caught, you won't catch them.  If the snow is deep (we must
have over 4 feet here in NH) they can burrow and become lost.  We were
called out on one rescue over Christmas - albino kit last seen sitting on a
front porch - bu we never found it.  Ferrets don't seem to have much of a
homing instinct.  We get lots of obviously well cared for "strays" in the
RE: Dry ferret skin
If you're not over bathing, you might try Avon Skin So Soft mixed with water
and spritzed on the ferret's coat.  Rub in well.  We've found Mane and Tail
Conditioner, made by Straight Arrow, for horses, works very well.  A large
32 oz bottle is about $6- $7 at our local Walmart.  BTW it works well on
human hair too.
RE: Ferretone on Ferret Food
Again, in my opinion.  probably not a good idea regardless of what it says
on the bottle of ferretone.  I really don't like the idea of that much
vitamin A.  The ferretone tends to make the food mushy - hard kibbles help
keep the teeth clean.  Also, I 've been told by some long time ferret
owners, that the ferretone in the food tend to turn rancid.  If you're
feeding your ferret a high quality kitten food (minimum 32% protein mostly
from poultry, and over 20% fat, etc) you shouldn't need to suppliment the
diet.  Ferretone makes a great training and useful nail clipping aid, and
great occasional treat.  Why not save it for that?
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 1444]