Late last night an idea came to mind that still seemed a good one even hours
after I was wide awake!  <VBG> No doubt this is **not** an original idea and
someone already tried this: submitting the Domestic and American Black
Footed Ferret as subjects for a United States Commemorative issue.
Having the term **domestic** used to describe our ferret companions should
be obvious to all of us.  Also, the use of the adhesive side to print a
concise educational message concerning these animals would be of equal, if
not greater value.
A letter requesting information on how to submit such a proposal is now in
the mail.  Once the requested material arrives, I will post another message
concerning this effort.
BTW, those of you who are not U.S.  citizens may also inquire about
submitting the ferret as a subject for a postage stamp.
Irene & Kids (who think it's great non-humans don't have to be deceased to
have their picture on a stamp!)
[Posted in FML issue 1444]